Hacksmith Industries Makes A Real Life Iron Spider From SPIDER-MAN

Hacksmith Industries has teamed up with the mobile game Marvel Contest of Champions to create a real life prototype of the iron spider. In the fighting game you get to play as your favorite Marvel heroes, but the video proves that maybe one day we could have some of these heroes' technologies in real life.

First, they design and assemble the four arms and then decide to make a hydraulic system to power the whole thing. Despite making the smallest hydraulic system, backpack size, the whole rig ends up being very heavy, so for now you would need to be a real life superhero to effectively move while wearing this thing. But in the end, it is surprisingly effective, he’s able to use it to pick up objects but the motor wasn’t powerful enough to crush things.

The whole build is super cool to watch which you can do below. And if you want to try out Marvel Contest of Champions, you can download the game after watching the video to unlock three 3-star champions: Spider-Man (Classic), Spider-Man (Symbiote), and Spider-Man (Stark Enhanced).

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