INTO THE BADLANDS Producer Daniel Wu Developing EVERMIND Sci-Fi Comic Series that Will Be Adapted For Film and TV

Daniel Wu (American Born Chinese, Into The Badlands) is developing a comic book series titled Evermind that he is also co-writing, and there are already plans to develop it for film and TV. Wu will also star in those projects when they get made.

Evermind tells the story of “overlooked innovator Lucas Zhang (whose likeness is inspired by Wu), who has worked his entire life to push humanity beyond the bounds of physical limitations with his incredible developments in neurolink technology. But his quest for success has come at a cost. Now, in a desperate attempt to save his own humanity — and the life of his only child — Zhang unleashes a powerful new technology that is too dangerous to be trusted. Now he is selling out and cashing in, and his patented masterworks are serving only two purposes: destruction and desire.”

This kind of concept isn’t new, but maybe Wu will tell it in a different and more unique way than we’ve seen before. Wu said in a statement: “As a minority lead actor, no matter your level of previous success or notable roles, in Hollywood there are only so many parts you are going to be offered. So, I got to thinking, why should I wait around for that next opportunity, when I could just create and define it for myself?”

He continued, “I found the perfect collaborator in Sean, because he had two characters he had been drawing for years, but it was this partnership that helped build out the backstory, the world, and the motivations of the characters themselves. The best part of starting this journey in comics is that we aren’t confined by the same sort of budget that prohibits film and television. Kickstarter gives us the opportunity to prove the viability of this property for multiple mediums, and bring fans along for the entire ride.”

The art for the comic is being developed by veteran Marvel, DC, and Valiant artist Sean Chen, who added: “At its heart, Evermind is about two people—a scientist father and his teenage daughter—who are driven apart by contrasting ideology and then forced together by incredible circumstances. I was really inspired by the story of Steve Jobs and his troubled relationship with his daughter, which was complicated and nuanced, and goes so much deeper than, ‘You were never there!’ This relationship is the story engine that plays out against a series of events where you wonder if the gulf between them will ever be closed and what will be the fate of the father’s soul.”

The project is being developed for 247 Comics, and you can check out some more details on its Kickstarter here. I included some preview art below:

Source: Deadline

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