Q&A with ANIMORPHS Illustrator Chris Grines

Chris Grine is the man currently adapting the Animorphs series of books into graphic novels for fans. I absolutely loved the first issue, The Invasion, and cannot wait for the next book to release. I was lucky enough to be able to ask a few questions of Grine and he has responded. From his favorite book in the Animorphs series to future projects, and even how he almost destroyed his laptop when he heard he’d be the one adapting Animorphs.

Tommy: When did you first discover Animorphs?

Chris: I discovered Animorphs around '98 because I was in college majoring in Illustration. I spent a lot of time in the children's book section because I wanted to get into children's book illustration as a career, and I remember seeing those iconic covers and thinking when I had a chance, I needed to check them out. Flash forward a few years to post college days and I was working in a book store and over a lunch break one day I grabbed book one and read it cover to cover.

Tommy: How did you get involved with adapting the series into graphic novels?

Chris: I had already published two titles with Graphix (Chickenhare and Time Shifters) so I had a good working relationship. I guess they thought I would be a good fit. I was SO excited the day they offered me the job that I nearly ruined my laptop when I spit a comical amount of coffee onto the screen.

Tommy: Who is your favorite character to draw? What is your favorite animal to draw?

Chris: My favorite character(s) to draw are the Taxxons! They're kind of background grunts for the Yeerks, but I just love drawing their squishy, gross bodies. My favorite animal is a little harder to choose because at first, I love drawing all of them, but honestly, after the thirtieth time drawing them, the honeymoon is over and I'm ready for the next animal.

Tommy: If you were given the powers of the Animorphs, what would be your go-to animal?

Chris: Definitely a sloth or a koala. They both seem like pretty chill dudes that get some quality nap time in. I could use some quality nap time.

Tommy: Do you have a favorite book in the Animorphs series?

Chris: I'm about ten books in but I still keep coming back to The Visitor (book 2) because it has some many great emotional gut-punches.

Tommy: If you could work on any property, what would be your dream project?

Chris: That would absolutely be something Muppet's related. Jim Henson was a HUGE influence on me from a young age and continues to be well into my forties.

Tommy: Do you have any other projects in the works that fans should be aware of?

Chris: I have a new original series coming out early March '21 with book one called Secrets of Camp Whatever. I've wanted to work on an all-ages story that included magic and monsters for a while now and this has checked many of those boxes for me.

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