2 Of The 3 Remaining Blockbuster Stores To Close At The End Of August — GeekTyrant

2 Of The 3 Remaining Blockbuster Stores To Close At The End Of August

Blockbuster as a nationwide rental chain has been gone for quite a while, but a few lone franchise stores have managed to stay alive well beyond the company's swan song. That may not be the case much longer as it has recently been revealed 2 of the 3 last Blockbusters will be closing, both of which are located in Alaska. 

Apparently, the two locations in Anchorage and Fairbanks will close Monday, July 16, but then re-open at the end of August to sell off inventory (via Deadline). After that, there will be just one Blockbuster remaining, which can be found in Bend, Oregon. 

Of course, none of this news means a whole lot to 90% of us, as I was never planning on visiting any of these locations in the first place. Still, I think back to the hay day of Blockbuster and get a little sad hearing it's soon going to be gone for good. Truth be told I really miss brick and mortar rental stores, mainly because Redbox really screws you on video game rentals. 

Do you also miss Blockbuster? Or are you happy to see them gone?

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