Ian McKellen has Signed on to THE HOBBIT Films — GeekTyrant

Ian McKellen has Signed on to THE HOBBIT Films

Ian McKellen has subtly confirmed that he'll be back to take on the role of Gandalf in Peter Jackson's next two Hobbit films! 

There was a little concern over his involvement after he gave an interview saying that he wasn't officially signed onto the films yet, and that there was a possibility he would be unable to do it. I guess he worked everything out because he had this update on his personal website in his feature film section.

The Hobbits, two films, start shooting in New Zealand in February 2011. Filming will take over a year. Casting in Los Angeles, New York City and London has started. The script too proceeds. The first draft is crammed with old and new friends, again on a quest in Middle Earth.

An official press release should come shortly. 

The Hobbit comes to theaters November 2012 the sequel comes out November 2013 and stars Martin Freeman, Cate Blanchett, David Tennant, Ron Perlman, Hugo Weaving, Ian McKellen, Andy Serkis, Doug Jones, and James Nesbitt

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