ALIEN Prequel Has An Official Title And Will Not Be Delayed! — GeekTyrant

ALIEN Prequel Has An Official Title And Will Not Be Delayed!

Looks like the rumor that the Alien prequel from Ridley Scott had been pushed back is in fact false!

The confusion began after a failed attempt to accommodate Leonardo DiCaprio.  Apparently, there had been talk that production would be pushed back to accommodate DiCaprio's schedule, so that he could shoot Clint Eastwood’s J. Edgar Hoover biopic.  So it looks like that, apparently, will not be happening — there will be no "push" to next year.

Not only that, the film has an official title: Paradise.

Vulture reports that Paradise will reboot the Alien franchise.  The story follows a group of space travelers who encounter a monstrous alien creature that picks them off, one by one. No formal offers have been made to any of the actors since there's no working budget yet on the film. It is reported that there are several actors at the top of Scott's list for leading roles.

Noomi Rapace is still the front-runner for the role of “Elizabeth Shaw,” the film’s main character.  In addition, the following details are know: There's "David," who's actually an android much like the Bishop 341-B character played by Lance Henriksen from Aliens. Supposedly, Scott was interested in Michael Fassbender for the part, but he became annoyed with the asking price for the star. There still could be a chance that Fassbender's reps could turn things around, only time will tell.

Michelle Yeoh is sought by Scott to play the role of “Vickers”, a fortysomething, tough-but-sexy woman. Other interesting roles include a businessman along for the ride.  The most interesting new character is that of Engineer 1, played by a six-foot-five-inch actor, but will actually be entirely CGI, just like Gollum from The Lord Of The Rings.

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