Eva Green and Naomi Watts cast in THE DARK KNIGHT RISES? — GeekTyrant

Eva Green and Naomi Watts cast in THE DARK KNIGHT RISES?

Some new details have emerged from Christopher Nolan's long awaited film The Dark Knight Rises, but lets consider them rumors for now because there is no official confirmation on any of it. 

According to collider a "reliable source" has revealed that Eva Green and Naomi Watts have been cast in the movie. I'm not a big fan of Watts, I honestly don't think she's that good of an actress, but Green is a solid choice. The report also says that principle photography is set to begin on May 6th, and post-production to start on November 28th. They also talk about a few new details on the Batmobile and the Batcave. Here's what they had to say,

First up, a source tells us that Eva Green and Naomi Watts have been cast in the film. The source doesn’t know which roles they’re playing, but believes they’ve been cast as Talia al Ghul and Vicki Vale, respectively. 

A different source ...“Raphael” tells us that the new Batmobile (aka The Tumbler) has been redesigned as a sleeker version, but still powerful and with all the gadgets.  As for the Batcave, it will be the same cave we saw in Batman Begins and they’re attempting to keep the classic stuff like the circular bay for the Batmobile, but keep the look modern.  They’re also setting up the Batcomputer and storage for the Batsuits.  And if there’s a new Batmobile and a new Batcave, is it possible we’ll be getting a new Batsuit in The Dark Knight Rises?

I'm sure we'll eventually find out if this news is true or not, but I don't think any of it is too far fetched. After all, the Batmobile was destroyed in The Dark Knight and Bruce and Alfred have been working on the Batcave since the end of Batman Begins.

The Dark Knight Rises is set to be released on July 20, 2012! 

What are your thoughts on Green and Watts possibly joining the cast?

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