Sontarans and Cybermen Rumored To Appear In Sixth Season Of DOCTOR WHO — GeekTyrant

Sontarans and Cybermen Rumored To Appear In Sixth Season Of DOCTOR WHO

Blastr posted some rumors concerning the next series of Doctor Who.  Two in particular caught my interest:  Sontarans and Cybermen.

The first—and most likely—rumor concerns our favourite potato-head aliens.

There are reports that a lone Sontaran trooper was spotted near the TARDIS while the Doctor Who cast and crew were filming what is currently believed to be episode seven.

However, there appears to be some overlapping with the filming of episodes five and six (The Rebel Flesh / Gangers) featuring a storyline about cloning. Surely the appearance of the Sontarans is a shoo-in for it? They reproduce themselves by cloning, after all.

Now, we've heard that one quite a few times before, but it seems that there's a possibility that the classic Cybermen (not the alternate Cybermen from a parallel universe introduced in the Russell T Davies era with the 2006 episodes Rise of the Cybermen and The Age of Steel) will make a return in episode seven of series six.

The storyline "sees the Doctor and company arrive in Egypt, where they encounter the cyber menace again."

There's also this concept art... which is apparently a redesigned Cyberman who's been given a complete makeover. It's apparently closer to the Cybermen's appearance on Doctor Who from the late 1960s.

The concept art is posted above (and it should be noted that this is concept art that has been around for a long time, as it was being considered for the Cybermen's return to the series back in the second season), and it does look like an updated design of one of the early Cybermen, which is interesting to me since current Doctor Matt Smith recently said his top pick of all the Doctor Who monsters to appear in the next season would be the early Cybermen that menaced Patrick Troughton's Second Doctor.  And Smith is a huge fan of the Troughton episode "Tomb of the Cybermen".

And speaking of concept art, I wonder if this Yeti we reported on ages ago is ever going to turn up.


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