COWBOYS & ALIENS Mondo Poster and Bonus Clips — GeekTyrant

COWBOYS & ALIENS Mondo Poster and Bonus Clips

Cowboys & Aliens Extended Edition arrives on Blu-ray Combo Pack on December 6th. To honor the release, MONDO, the Alamo Drafthouse's collectible art boutique has unveiled their fourth and final COWBOYS & ALIENS poster in their Jon Favreau-curated series.

The print was designed by Florian Bertmer and goes on sale Tuesday, December 6th at (follow @MondoNews for exact sale time). Check out the full-size image below:


Check out some cool clips from the Blu-ray below. First up is this cool stunts montage that takes you behind the scenes.

Here are some clips of the cast and crew talking about Daniel Craig and Harrison Ford:

Here is a clip that talks about the films classic western style:

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