Exclusive: New Photos From AMC's New Drama THE KILLING — GeekTyrant

Exclusive: New Photos From AMC's New Drama THE KILLING


AMC is definitely on a role with its new series' it keeps unleashing ! Here's some never-before-seen exclusive photos of AMC’s new drama “The Killing”. The series’ two-hour debut isn’t until Sunday, April 3rd, but these new photos certainly give the viewer an idea of the drama that will ensue on this highly-anticipated dark thriller.

Based on the hit Danish series “Forbrydelsen,” AMC’s dark thriller, “The Killing,” follows the investigation of the murder of 17-year-old Rosie Larson (Katie Findlay). Mireille Enos (“Big Love”) stars as lead homicide detective Sarah Linden, along with Billy Campbell(”Once and Again”) as City Council President Darren Richmond, and Michelle Forbes (”True Blood”) and Brent Sexton (”Deadwood”) as Rosie’s parents, Mitch and Stan Larsen.


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All images courtesy of xfinityTV.com
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