Mila Kunis to Join Sam Raimi's OZ, THE GREAT AND POWERFUL Franco Confirmed
Mila Kunis (Black Swan) has walked away from the Hughes Brother's live-action Akira movie to join up with Sam Raimi and James Franco for Disney's Oz, The Great and Powerful, which as you know by now is a prequel to the 1939 classic The Wizard of Oz. The article also says that Franco has offically agreed to star in the movie as the Wizard. Franco was also rumored to be up for the lead role in Akira as well, I guess he won't be doing that either.
Kunis is a beautiful, and talented young actress who I will be happy to see in this Sam Raimi directed film. According to Vulture Kunis will be taking on the role of the Wicked Witch of the West, Theodorah. I can definitley see that as being inspired casting.
Apparently Raimi and Franco had a meeting in whcih everyone agreed that Kunis was perfect for the Theodorah, the younger sister of Evanorah who goes on to become the Wicked Witch of the West. The film will dive into the the origins of the Wizard and how he came to Oz. It will also tell the story of the infamous witches such as Glinda, who becomes the Good Witch of the North, and Evanorah, who becomes the Wicked Witch of the East.
What do you all think about Kunis taking being cast in the film as a witch?
Here's another description of the story:
They would have the Wizard — a snake-oil salesman posing as a magician — enter Oz via a hot-air balloon, which he uses to escape an angry husband who has found out that Oz slept with his wife. There, Oz — a fast-talking huckster who wears a velveteen frock coat — falls in love with Glinda (the Good Witch), and the two combine forces to Fight the Evil Witches Evanora and Theodora. Theodora starts out as a good witch, but after Oz jilts her sexual advances, Evanora — the truly evil witch — convinces Theodora to become an evil witch with her and help her to rule all of Oz. Both Evanora and Theodora are described as incredibly attractive, seductive women, and Theodora likes to wear black, thigh-high boots.