James Gunn shares his thoughts on the superhero genre — GeekTyrant

James Gunn shares his thoughts on the superhero genre

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Director James Gunn shares his thoughts on the superhero genre in a recent interview with Wired. Gunn's new film Super had it's US premiere at SXSW. 

Here is what Gunn had to say about directing a superhero film:

“Superhero movies are just an incredibly fun space to play in. People like me love reading comics because we get to see these guys fly around in space and blow shit up, and technology has finally reached a point where what exists on the page looks good on the big screen.”

Super is about "a jilted husband who seeks redemption through vigilantism as The Crimson Bolt was well-received by the film’s first batch of producers."

This film definitely goes against the grain from the traditional superhero film. Gunn goes on to say:

“From the beginning, I saw the script as an arthouse/grindhouse film. To start to think that we’re going to turn this into the next My Big Fat Greek Wedding is unrealistic. It’s not an independent movie that gets big, it’s actually an independent movie.”

Gunn shares his feelings on the superhero genre:

“Warner Bros. is obviously fucking up. They don’t know how to make a good superhero movie unless Christopher Nolan is involved to save their lives.”

He does feel some love for Joss Whedon's upcoming film The Avengers"

“Everybody I know who’s read it says it’s by far the best script for a Marvel movie ever. I’m very, very excited about it. Nobody loves superheroes more than Joss. He’s really got his heart in the right place.”

Super arrives in limited theaters on April 1. I am excited to see it and hope that it will show at a theater near by so I don't have to travel into NYC.

What are your thoughts on Super?

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