Thomas McDonell to play a young Johnny Depp in DARK SHADOWS — GeekTyrant

Thomas McDonell to play a young Johnny Depp in DARK SHADOWS

Tim Burton has cast Thomas McDonell as the young Barnabas played by Johnny Depp in Dark Shadows. McDonell stars in the upcoming Disney film Prom, which I won't being seeing...ever. I will say that McDonell has the resemblance of a young Depp, so it's a good casting choice for looks, not sure how good of an actor he is though. 

As you know the film is based on on the supernatural 1960's TV series, and it also stars Michelle Pfeiffer, Bella Heathcoate, Jackie Earle Haley, Eva Green, and Helena Bonham Carter. Michael Sheen is in talks to join the cast, and Deadline reveals it's up for the character Roger, the conniving brother of Elizabeth Collins Stoddard (Pfeiffer).

What do you all think about McDonell playing a young Johnny Depp in the film?

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