DOCTOR WHO's US Season Premiere Date Revealed — GeekTyrant

DOCTOR WHO's US Season Premiere Date Revealed

The BBC America premiere of the next series of Doctor Who is just over a month away, Entertainment Weekly reports.

"BBC America will launch Doctor Who on Saturday, April 23 at 9 p.m ET. That’s Part One of a two-part opener penned by showrunner Steven Moffat.

The premiere description has the Brit team filming in North America for the first time: 'The Doctor (Matt Smith), and his companions Amy (Karen Gillan) and Rory (Arthur Darvill), find themselves on a secret summons that takes them on an adventure from the desert in Utah — right to the Oval Office in 1969.'"

A rumor I've seen floating around is that the show will finally air the same day in the US as the UK.  I hope this is true.  In any case, the wait is almost over.  

Thanks, Charles, for linking to this news.

In the meantime, here's the preview for the early episodes of the coming season.

No author bio. End of line.
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