Ridley Scott's PROMETHEUS adds Two more cast members — GeekTyrant

Ridley Scott's PROMETHEUS adds Two more cast members

Benedict Wong and Emun Elliott are the newest recruits for Ridley Scott's Prometheus. It's amazing how late some casting happens as this movie is way into production now but it seems to be a common thing in Hollywood. The "new guys" join Charlize Theron, Noomi Rapace, Michael Fassbender, Idris Elba, Logan Marshall-Green, Kate Dickey and Rafe Spall in the film.

There's also some questions being cleared up some on whether or not this is an Alien prequel and this should make all of our Alien fans very happy.

From Alien Prequel News;

Though security on the set is very tight with the good weather, dock doors have been open and cast and crew have been enjoying lunch outdoors. I can confirm seeing 3 aliens having lunch. Not the whole costume but blueish costumes and the unmistakable heads hanging around their shoulders.

Another question asked if these aliens resembeld the familiar xenomorphs from the previous films;

The alien heads were the same shape but no markings, only a plane bronze colour. As for the suits black boots and shoulder pads the rest was a Chelsea blue body suit could be for SFX, all the sets around the back of the bond stage have huge green chromokey maybe that's a clue. I have witnessed foam cut outs of unmistakable aliens all cut in half lengh ways so they could be in the floor walls etc and very much from the original film.

Prometheus is set to open on June 8th, 2012 and I can't wait!

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