Vincent Cassel to be Cast in Danny Boyle’s TRANCE?
It is not official yet, but Vincent Cassel (Black Swan) has been offered a role in Danny Boyle's film Trance. This is a film that we have been hearing bits and pieces about for a little while, and it looks like all of the pieces are starting to come together again. Twitch is reporting that Cassel has been offered the role of Aiden in this heist thriller. That role was originally filled by Michael Fassbende, but due to scheduling conflicts, Fassbender left the production. Then a little known actor named Colin Firth was asked to play Aiden. Once again, things arose and Firth couldn’t take the role. Now we have come down to third time’s a charm. The role has been offered to Cassel. We will see what happens. Here is the synopsis for the 2001 British TV movie that this film is based off of.
An assistant at an auction house masterminds [an art] heist and teams up with a gang of thieves, but suffers a blow to the head and wakes up with amnesia. He is the only one who knows where the painting’s location is and after his continued failure to remember, the gang begins to suspect duplicity on his part and hire a female hypnotist to get into his brain.
Cassel will be playing the leader of the team. Frankly, I think that Cassel is one of Hollywood’s hidden gems and will be able to pull this part of well. If he takes the role, that is. Let us know what you think.
McMurphy Out!