THE EXPENDABLES 2 PG-13 Rating Confirmed — GeekTyrant

THE EXPENDABLES 2 PG-13 Rating Confirmed

Yesterday word got out from Chuck Norris that because of him The Expendables 2 would be rated PG-13. I know many of the fans hoped this news would not be true, but I'm sorry to tell you that it is. The news was confirmed by none other than Sylvester Stallone

Here's what the actor told Harry from AICN:

Harry, the film is fantastic with Van Damme turning in an inspired performance... Our final battle is one for the ages. The PG13 rumor is true, but before your readers pass judgement,  trust me when I say this film is LARGE in every way and  delivers on every level. This movie touches on many emotions which we want to share with the broadest audience possible, BUT, fear not, this Barbeque of Grand scale Ass Bashing will not leave anyone hungry...Sly

I was really hoping this movie would be a balls to the wall badass sequel. According to Sly there's still a possibility that it will be, but it's his job to talk up the movie and get people excited about it. Everything he says about the film is going to be positive, but I'm still excited about it, and I'm hoping it's going to be bigger, better, and more entertaining than the first film. We don't need bloody body parts flying around to have a good time... or do we? 

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