KICK-ASS 2 Director Jeff Wadlow Talks about Hit-Girl and The Story — GeekTyrant

KICK-ASS 2 Director Jeff Wadlow Talks about Hit-Girl and The Story

Kick-Ass 2 is finally making some major progress in becoming a reality. The movie has been set up over at Universal Pictures and Never Back Down director Jeff Wadlow is set to write and direct the comic adaptation. The biggest issue right now seems to be getting Chloë Grace Moretz back on board. She's become quite the popular young actress since the first film was released and it seems like shes booking a new movie every month. 

Here's what Wadlow had to say when making an appearance at the Kapow! comic book convention this weekend, revealing to fans that, “It’s happening. Our first day of photography is in September. It’s all moving forward. I wrote the script over the holidays.” Wadlow then talked a little bit about the direction of the sequel, and how it will be different from Mark Millar‘s Kick-Ass: Balls to the Walls comic sequel.

It’s been an interesting process because for those of you who know the property really well, the movie takes some significant liberties with the first comic book. So then Mark did the sequel to the comic book which is Kick-Ass 2. So I had sort of this movie and the comic book and I had to find the intersection. An adaptation was quite a challenge, but one that I really enjoyed and loved. I think the most important thing that’s gonna change from the Kick-Ass 2 comic to Kick-Ass 2 the movie was just really finding an emotional story to tell. Because what I certainly loved about the first film, and what I think elevated it above most comic book adaptations, is the heart and the emotion in the film. It was sort of my challenge as the film maker and storyteller to find something as emotional in the second film and I think we have some stuff that people are gonna really respond to.

He goes on to discuss what he has planned with Moretz’ character Hit-Girl. There are some Spoilers ahead, for those who haven't read the comics, but here ya go!

If you’ve read the comic, you know, she gives up being Hit-Girl, which was a brilliant idea I thought on Mark’s part. It’s something I explore something quiet deeply in the movie because what happens in the comic is she sort of steps away from the story in many ways and she’s sort of sidelined while Dave is working with Justice Forever and Chris is becoming the Mother[frick]er. But I was quite interested in what happens to her when she’s not being Hit-Girl.

This is a change that I welcome with open arms. I think it's safe to say that Hit Girl was everyone's favorite character in the first film, and it would be a mistake not to beef up her role in the sequel. She's the best part of the story. Wadlow says he already started talking to Moretz,

Well, nothing is official yet. But I had breakfast with Chloë two weeks ago and she’s read the script and she’s very excited about what we’re doing with Hit-Girl. Her story is a major, major part of the film and she’s excited about the ideas and we’re in talks.

I imagine that she'll end up coming on board at some point. It's good to see things moving forward on this film. It's sad that Matthew Vaughn wont be back to direct, but it seems like Wadlow has a good handle on things and knows what he's doing. I'll be looking forward to the sequel, and hoping that they are able to get Moretz back to reprise her role. It would be a shame if they had to replace her. 

What do you think about Wdlow's plans for the sequel?

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