THE EXPENDABLES 2 - Epically Action Packed Trailer! — GeekTyrant

THE EXPENDABLES 2 - Epically Action Packed Trailer!

Sylvester Stallone introduces the first full trailer for his new film The Expendables 2, which looks like an awesome explosive action-packed ride. Just from this trailer, the Simon West-directed sequel looks way better than that the first one!

The movie takes Stallone, Jason Statham, Jet Li, Dolph Lundgren, Chuck Norris, Randy Couture, Liam Hemsworth, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Bruce Willis, and Arnold Schwarzenegger and thrusts them into a badass adventure where they get to show off their mad action star skills. 

This movie looks like an insanely epic action film with some fun humor that you're sure to enjoy. Watch the trailer, and let us know what you think the best part of this movie will be!

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