Chloe Moretz Talks CARRIE Remake and New Cast Added — GeekTyrant

Chloe Moretz Talks CARRIE Remake and New Cast Added

The remake of Carrie by Kimberly Peirce (Boys Don’t Cry) continues to move forward. Chloe Moretz (Kick-Ass) is set to play the title character with telekenetic powers. Julianne Moore will play Carrie's fundamentalist mother. Slashfilm is reporting that two new cast members have been added: Portia Doubleday (Youth in Revolt) and Judy Greer (Arrested Development). According to Deadline, Doubleday will play the primary villain in the film as “bad girl Chris Hargensen,” who was portrayed by Nancy Allen in Brian De Palma’s original. Greer will be Carrie’s gym teacher. 

Moretz also revealed that that the remake has a very dark tone similar to Black Swan. Here is what she had to say in a brief interview with Vanity Fair:

I am changing everything about me—my hair, my look… I’m doing my own take on [the character]. The script is totally different from the [original]. It’s more like the book. It’s a more Black Swan version—it messes with your mind. You’ll see things, and you don’t know if you’ve seen them.

Nothing can ever replace De Palma's take on the Stephen King classic, but this sounds pretty cool. Moretz and the rest of the cast is very solid. What do you think: are you looking forward to this film?

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