Marc Webb Just Might Be Able to Direct That SPIDER-MAN Sequel — GeekTyrant

Marc Webb Just Might Be Able to Direct That SPIDER-MAN Sequel

There's a chance that The Amazing Spider-Man director Marc Webb won't be able to direct the sequel. He wants to direct it, and Sony Pictures wants him to direct it, but because of a previous contract with 20th Century Fox, we heard he might not be able to. There have been some recent developments on this issue, and it looks like there might be a way for Webb to direct the next Spider-Man sequel. 

Basically Webb owes Fox a movie and according to the L.A. Times, "executives gave him a reprieve to work on Spider-Man. But they’re less inclined to give him another, especially now that it’s been more than three years since he made a movie for them." The last movie he directed for them was (500) Days of Summer. It looks like Fox is now willing to let him make another Spider-Man film, but there's a price to pay...

Fox is considering giving its blessing to Webb on "Spidey" but in exchange would extract a two-picture commitment from Webb. It would be a steep price to pay for the filmmaker — most in-demand directors don’t like locking themselves up that long — but it would free him to return to one of Hollywood's biggest franchises.

If he really wants to jump back on board the Spider-Man franchise then that's the price he'll have to pay. I liked what Webb did with The Amazing Spider-Man, I'm looking forward to seeing the story continue, and I hope Webb is the one to do it. The sequel is currently being written by Alex Kurzman, Roberto Orci, and James Vanderbilt

If Fox and Webb can't come to some kind of agreement, Sony will have to hire another director. If the director ends up doing a movie for Fox instead, the report says it could be a dark futuristic biothriller called Age of Rage, from Black Swan screenwriter Mark Heyman

It will be interesting to see how this all plays out. Do you want to see Webb back to direct the sequel to The Amazing Spider-Man?

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