Watch Panel for Spike Lee's OLDBOY - NYCC 2013

VideosMovie OldboyNYCC by Eli Reyes

Uploaded by geektyrant on 2013-10-13.

The panel for director Spike Lee's remake of Oldboy consisted of screenwriter Mark Protosevich and actors Michael Imperioli and Pom Klementieff. Imperioli talked about his character and working with the director for the sixth time. Klementieff -- who plays a female version of the bodyguard Mr. Han, from the original film -- talked about her extensive martial arts training and the injuries she endured while filming. Most of the audience questions were directed toward Protosevich, who assured fans that this is a no-holds-barred adaptation of this twisted tale.

During the panel, we were shown a new clip from the film which featured Josh Brolin's character infiltrating the facility in which he was held prisoner for twenty years. The clip also featured Samuel L. Jackson and was incredibly gruesome. From the amount of cringing I did during that clip alone, I'm confident that this is indeed a faithful and worthwhile retelling of the story.


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