Artist Spotlight: Tyler Edlin — GeekTyrant

Artist Spotlight: Tyler Edlin

Halo 4, Chrono Trigger, and Metal Gear Solid V. The three titles don't have much in common, other than they were incredibly depicted by artist Tyler Edlin. Looking at Edlin's gallery, he excels at many things beyond just portraits of our favorite video game characters, but that doesn't take away from his work on the prints you see above and below in the gallery. His ability to make the characters pop off the screen while still maintaining some nice detail work in the backgrounds is impressive, and his coloring, specifically his highlight work, is stellar as well. This is represented especially in his Master Chief and Bioshock pieces. The Metal Gear Solid V '80s VHS Cover homage is a lot of fun, and reminds me of way too many viewings of Steven Seagal movies when I was younger.... or if I'm honest ,my latest viewing of Under Siege last month on spike. You can catch more of his art in his Deviant Art gallery, and if you like what you see, you can always buy some prints on his online store. 

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