24 Reasons THE RING and IT FOLLOWS Are the Same Movie — GeekTyrant

24 Reasons THE RING and IT FOLLOWS Are the Same Movie

I was such a huge fan of The Ring when it was first released. It was a genuinely terrifying and entertaining film. I didn't feel the same way about It Follows, though. A lot of people seemed to have high praise for It Follows, but I didn't think it was that great. I thought the concept was great, but I thought it was poorly executed as a film. Anyway, Couch Tomato has released a new video focusing on these films, and he gives us 24 reasons why they are the same movie.

24 Reasons The Ring & It Follows Are The Same Movie Like us on Facebook ►► https://www.facebook.com/couchtomatofilms Follow us on Instagram ►► https://www.instagram.com/couchtomatofilms/ Follow us on Twitter ►► https://twitter.com/couchtomatofilm Subscribe Here ►► https://goo.gl/55Lw40 Listen to Stuff for Movie Buffs podcast ▼▼ iTunes ►► http://apple.co/1SFTR8M Soundcloud ►► http://bit.ly/2jLhC1c iHeartRADIO ►► http://bit.ly/2a0ZApi Couchtomatonews.com ►► http://bit.ly/2kCKbPl Direct Download URL ►► http://bit.ly/2kgY1K0 Other Links: Google +: http://bit.ly/1kLhezk Snapchat: CouchTomato24 Tumblr: http://bit.ly/1NwMqum Pinterest: http://bit.ly/1P7vXB8 Visit http://www.couchtomatonews.com/ for fictional movie news The Ring (2002) A journalist must investigate a mysterious videotape which seems to cause the death of anyone in a week of viewing it.

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