A GROUNDHOG DAY TV Series Is Said to Be in Development — GeekTyrant

A GROUNDHOG DAY TV Series Is Said to Be in Development

The classic 1993 comedy Groundhog Day, which was directed by Harold Ramis and stars Bill Murray, is reportedly being adapted into a TV series. The news comes from original Groundhog Day actor Stephen Tobolowsky, who played Ned Ryerson in the movie.

He revealed the news while he was a guest on The Production Meeting Podcast, and said that a producer had recently approached him on the Sony lot while he was working on another series. The producer asked if he’d be interested in reprising the role of Ned in the series. Here’s what Tobolowsky said:

"There’s talk about a Groundhog Day series in the works. One of the producers, I was working on The Goldbergs or Schooled, one of those shows over on the Sony lot, and one of the producers saw me and goes, 'Oh, Stephen! Stephen! We're working on a Groundhog Day TV show. Could you be Ned for the TV show?' I go, 'Sure. Yeah. No problem.'…But it’s Ned thirty years later. What has his life become?"

There are no details to share, other than the news that the show is apparently in development. It’s implied that the movie will be a continuation of the original film, so it may act as a sequel of sorts. But, it’s safe to assume that Bill Murray is unlikely to reprise his role. I guess we can expect the film to focus on another character, or just recast the role of Phil Connors. But, no one can play that role like Murray can!

I’m curious to learn what exactly is being planned for the show and what kind of story is being developed for it. I guess that information will come in due time.

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