Activision's CALL OF DUTY Movie To Be Helmed By SICARIO 2 Director Stefano Sollima — GeekTyrant

Activision's CALL OF DUTY Movie To Be Helmed By SICARIO 2 Director Stefano Sollima

Activision Studios has just made a huge step forward with their feature film adaptation of their hit video game franchise Call of Duty. According to Variety, they are going to hire Sicario 2: Soldado director Stefano Sollima to helm the film. He's currently in negotiations with the studio.

I haven't seen Sicario 2 yet, but it looks freakin' awesome and I think that Sollima might actually be the right director for the job to take on Call of Duty.

There are no details on the plot of the film, but we've heard that they are looking to build a Call of Duty cinematic universe. During a previous interview, Activision Blizzard Studios co-president Stacey Sher (Pulp Fiction, Django UnchainedThe Hateful Eight) said:

“We have plotted out many years. We put together this group of writers to talk about where we were going. There’ll be a film that feels more like Black Ops, the story behind the story. The Modern Warfare series looks at what it’s like to fight a war with the eyes of the world on you. And then maybe something that is more of a hybrid, where you are looking at private, covert operations, while a public operation is going on.”

It has also been said that the projects "will draw on the feel of the different incarnations of the game rather than transposing existing plots." Co-president Nick Van Dyk, added:

“It’s going to have the same sort of high-adrenaline, high-energy aesthetic as the game, but it’s not a literal adaptation. It’s a much more broad and inclusive, global in scope … a big, tentpole Marvel-esque movie.”

Sounds good to me! I hope they can effectively pull it off and end up giving us some awesome Call of Duty movies. It's all going to start with Sollima and I'm excited to see what he ends up giving us!

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