Adam Savage Shows Off The Spacesuits Used in FIRST MAN — GeekTyrant

Adam Savage Shows Off The Spacesuits Used in FIRST MAN

There’s a lot of incredible detail that was put into the creation of director Damien Chazelle’s film First Man. He brought the story of NASA’s mission to the moon to life in the most spectacular and thrilling ways.

The creative team want to make sure that they captured the details of everything from that era and that included the recreation of the astronauts space suits. I’ve seen some of the original space suits in museums that I’ve been to and they are so cool looking!

In the most recent episode of Tested, Adam Savage meets with spacesuit replica maker Ryan Nagata, and they show off several of his spacesuits and spacesuit parts that he made for the movie.

Adam and Ryan talk about his build of the X15 suit seen in the film, the technical accuracy achieved by the costume department, and what he learned from making pieces to be filmed for camera.

If you were impressed by the level of detail that First Man displayed in the film, or you’re just interested in cool shit that people create, you’re not going to want to miss this.

Spacesuit replica maker Ryan Nagata brings to the cave several of his spacesuits and spacesuit parts he made for the movie First Man! Adam and Ryan talk about his build of the X15 suit seen in the film, the technical accuracy achieved by the costume department, and what he learned from making pieces to be filmed for camera.

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