Alexandra is a Boss in a New Clip From THE DEFENDERS — GeekTyrant

Alexandra is a Boss in a New Clip From THE DEFENDERS

Sigourney Weaver is one freakin' badass lady. She fought aliens, she kept the planet safe from monstrous threats, she dated a Ghostbuster. When you see her take charge, you see her TAKE CHARGE. Especially in this new clip from The Defenders.

One looming threat we've seen in many of the Netflix Marvel series's leading up to The Defenders has been Madame Gao. She never once flinches at any of our heroes. Including ones who straight up could murder her in one punch. Marvel has done a good job at making her very intimidating and a presence to be feared in the series. Which makes it all the better when we finally do see her flinch.

In the scene below, Madame Gao and Alexandra have a conversation of the plans they have and how they are to move forward. It's one thing to see two villains scheme, but you definitely get an idea of who is in charge here. Alexandra suggests they move the plan forward, and Gao is noticeably upset by this. Now, it could be interpreted two ways. Maybe Gao is frightened of Alexandra, or maybe Gao's cautious nature makes her not feel comfortable moving things ahead. But Alexandra's final move in the scene definitely shows who wields the power. It's so simple, but just the right amount of authoritative ruler that makes you think daaaaayum. 

I can't wait for this series to start. I think I'm more excited about this than I was about Avengers. So good.

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