AUSTIN FOUND Trailer Makes Kidnapping a Laughing Matter
Under all normal circumstances, kidnapping is not funny, but this trailer for Austin Found is trying to prove otherwise. Starring Linda Cardellini, Craig Robinson, Kirsten Schaal and Skeet Ulrich. Cardellini plays a fame-hungry mom that has faked the kidnapping of her daughter in an attempt to become a star. Firstshowing explains the logline:
"Leanne is fed up with her unglamorously average lifestyle when she comes up with a scheme to make her family instant celebrities. Teaming up with her ex-boyfriend, Billy (Skeet Ulrich), and his ex-con buddy, Jebidiah (Craig Robinson), Leanne conspires to have her 11-year-old daughter, Patty (Urusula Parker), kidnapped for just for a month or two. All she has to do is keep the local press (Kristen Schaal) and Sherriff (Patrick Warburton) focused on the case at hand and off hers. What could go wrong?"
The movie feels like a straight to DVD and seems to be full of ignorant people, but maybe that's the point. The characters do feel like they come straight from the "People of Walmart" blog.
Austin Found opens in select theaters starting July 7th