AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON Featurette and TV Spot with War Machine in Action — GeekTyrant

AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON Featurette and TV Spot with War Machine in Action

Marvel Studios has released yet another TV spot for Avengers: Age of Ultron, and it offers a brief glimpse of War Machine, a.k.a. James Rhodes, in action! I'm so happy that they brought him back for this new Marvel adventure, and its good to see him in the heat of battle.

We also have featurette focuses on the superhero team dynamics. As you might expect, it features even more new footage from the film, along with interviews with the cast and crew as they talk about the story, characters, and working together as a team.  

We've seen a ton of trailers, TV spots, clips, and featurettes for this film. I just want to watch the movie! With all of the promotional material that they've been releasing, the studio might as well just release the movie already. They've already released half of it online. 

The film hits theaters on May 1st, 2015.

Uploaded by CBR Trailers on 2015-04-16.

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