BATMAN: THE KILLING JOKE Animated Film Gets an Official Synopsis — GeekTyrant

BATMAN: THE KILLING JOKE Animated Film Gets an Official Synopsis

After everything that’s already been released for Warner Bros. Animation’s Batman: The Killing Joke, like the trailer, the studio finally released an official synopsis. It’ not like most of us don’t already know what the story entails, but this is the story description that the studio posted on iTunes:

What does it take for a person to snap? How much despair for a mind to fracture? These are the twisted questions that The Joker has set out to answer, to show Gotham that even an ordinary man like Commissioner Gordon is only one bad day away from sheer insanity. Based on the acclaimed DC Comics graphic novel, witness a journey into the dark psyche of the Clown Prince of Crime. Follow his humble beginnings as a struggling comic to his fateful encounter with the Dark Knight that changed everything. Fueled by the return of Kevin Conroy as Batman and Mark Hamill as The Joker, witness the birth of a super villain, the fortitude of a hero and the punch line that will leave you speechless.

I also included the special features that will be included with the Blu-ray/DVD of the film.

An exclusive sneak peek at the next DC Universe Original Movie
Featurette – Batman: The Killing Joke – Madness Set To Music – Jim Gordon must bear witness to the most disturbing images any father could imagine while a maniac entices his break from sanity in song. This documentary looks at the step-by-process of one of the most crucial scenes in Batman: The Killing Joke, including the methodology James Tucker used as he storyboarded Brian Bolland’s stunning work for the screen; Dynamic Music Partners composers/lyricists’ creative merging of original music with the poetic words from the graphic novel to provoke the desired feelings and emotions for this critical scene; and actor Mark Hamill’s physical, devoted performance to capturing the world¹s most notorious Super-Villain in song.
Featurette – Many Shades of Joker: The Tale of The Killing Joke – Brian Bolland’s artwork is instantly recognizable to comic book enthusiasts all over the world. Known for his amazing cover art, it was a rare inclusion into the body of a graphic novel, Batman: The Killing Joke, that helped the perennial story of Batman and The Joker remain a fan favorite for decades to come. Combined with the graphic novel’s original script – which is more than just the telling of a story, but an intricate map explaining every stop along the way to the end of a fantastic journey – this documentary reveals the artistic process behind The Killing Joke’s distinct style. We’ll learn how artists and writers excelled at conveying story and human emotion one panel at a time, mesmerizing readers with unforgettable stories and humanized depictions of heroes and villains. And why after nearly 30 years in print, Batman: The Killing Joke is more thought provoking than ever, as its socio-economic themes are relatable to generation after generation.
From the DC Comics Vault – Two 22-minute episodes:
The New Batman Adventures – “Old Wounds”
Batman: The Animated Series – “Christmas with The Joker”
Batman: The Killing Joke will be released on DVD and Blu-ray on August 2. You can pre-order your own copy by clicking here. The film will be available on Digital HD July 23.
Warner Bros. Home Entertainment has accepted the MPAA’s R rating for the upcoming film, choosing to remain true to the landmark DC Comics graphic novel’s violent, controversial story, and making the film the first non-PG/PG-13 rated movie in the nine-year history of the DC Universe Original Movie franchise.

Batman: The Killing Joke is based on the comic written by Alan Moore and art by Brian Bolland. It was published in 1988, and it’s one of the best and most controversial Batman graphic novels ever published. 

The animated adaptation of Batman: The Killing Joke is being directed by Sam Liu, and Mark Hamill and Kevin Conroy are providing the voices of The Joker and Batman. It will be available to watch on VOD on July 26th, and it will hit Blu-ray and DVD on August 2nd. A special Deluxe Edition of the Blu-Ray combo pack will run $29.96, and includes a limited edition figurine of The Joker. The regular pack runs $24.98, and DVD runs $19.98.

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