BLACK ADAM Producer Discusses the Frustration of the Superman Leak — GeekTyrant

BLACK ADAM Producer Discusses the Frustration of the Superman Leak

I’d known for quite some time that Superman was going to appear in Black Adam, but I wasn’t going to be the one that was going to break that! No, that just broke out on Tik Tok and Twitter, and it spread like wildfire across the Internet. Then all of a sudden Dwayne Johnson just started addressing it in interviews before the movie was released.

Black Adam producer Hiram Garcia recently talked about the project in an interview with /Film and he talked about the frustration of the Superman news leaking, saying:

"Oh my God, it is so frustrating. You work so hard, but look, we understand that this ending and this dream, this family dream that we had to bring to life, we knew that it was going to have an effect on the fans that were just like, 'Oh my God!' We heard them begging for it for so long. We've been wanting it for so long. It's disappointing that it leaks. You hope that the fans that are so passionate about it really do their best to block it out so that they can go and get the movie and enjoy it."

Garcia went on to say that they did put effort into keeping Superman a secret. But he’s also said that DC fans are passionate and that, "Unfortunately, there's always a few people that will try and spoil it for the rest of the world.” He added:

"We've been working with Warner Bros. to try and get some of those things under control, but really, it spreads like wildfire. It's something you always know you have to deal with when you start testing the movie." 

Black Adam does set up a future with Superman, and it’s been explained that it’s a long game with these two characters. While I thought Black Adam was a mediocre movie, I’m still willing to take the ride that will lead to Black Adam and Superman fighting each other.

I’m personally just excited that Henry Cavill is back as Superman and that we’re actually going to get a new Man of Steel movie!

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