Bruce Timm is Developing an Original BATMAN AND HARLEY QUINN Animated Film — GeekTyrant

Bruce Timm is Developing an Original BATMAN AND HARLEY QUINN Animated Film

Warner Bros. Animation always seems to be pumping out new films one after another. Well, they've got three new ones on the way. During their Comic-Con panel, they officially announced three animated films that are currently in development. 

The first is Justice League Dark, which was previously announced. Guillermo del Toro was working on a live action version of this project for years, but it looks like they decided that animation was the way to go. This story will bring a team of supernatural heroes together to combat a magical and villainous threat. It was confirmed that John Constantine and Swamp Thing will both be in the film.

The second film they revealed is called Teen Titans: The Judas Contract, which is an adaptation of Marv Wolfman and George Perez's acclaimed four-issue comic arc. In it, Young psychopath Tara Markov is seduced and trained by Deathstroke to infiltrate the Teen Titans and tear them apart from within.

The third and final project they announced is called Batman and Harley Quinn. This is a new and original story that comes from the mind of Bruce Timm, who co-created Harley Quinn with Paul Dini. There are no details on what the movie will entail, but a story revolving around these two characters has the potential to be awesome, and I can't wait to see what Timm comes up with!

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