CALL OF DUTY: BLACK OPS 3 - Hands On Impressions - E3 2015 — GeekTyrant

CALL OF DUTY: BLACK OPS 3 - Hands On Impressions - E3 2015

It’s a new year, which means a new Call of Duty. This year at E3 was the first time that Call of Duty’s multiplayer was playable. In the past, they would only show off the campaign, but let’s be real — the main reason people play Call of Duty is for the multiplayer. Call of Duty has always been known for its fast and frenetic combat, and with Black Ops 3 it’s safe to say this is the fastest Call of Duty ever.

It’s about speed, movement, and momentum. Advanced Warfare really set the bar on what a fast-paced Call of Duty should look like, and it seems Treyarch was up for the challenge. Wall running makes its Call of Duty debut as does swimming. These are game changers; never have I been more on edge with a Call of Duty title.

Black Ops 3 features unlimited sprint so you never have to slow down. Double jumping exists as does a jet pack. This is the “thruster” feature. You use this to slide and jump. You can use it in short spurts or all at once. You have a lot more mobility in Black Ops 3 than ever before. You can slide and shoot right and left, and it makes you feel like a true action hero. This Call of Duty also features “specliasts.” These are a class system that has specific characters with specific abilities and weapons, but you can only use the ability or weapon in a given match, not both.

There will be a total of nine when Black Ops 3 ships, but the build available at E3 only featured 6. The abilities ranged from teleporting to coming back from the dead to superspeed, as well as others. The weapons for the specialists ranged from a bow and arrow, an machinegun arm, gravity spikes, electric gun, hand cannon, and a nanobot grenade launcher.

I played two matches, and they were super intense. You really have to be on the top of your game because enemies will come from everywhere and they will come fast and often. Black Ops is super colorful, keeping in line with the aesthetic of Black Ops 2 and Advanced Warfare. I really enjoyed Black Ops 3. It doesn’t seem like we have another Ghosts on our hands, and it's different enough to warrant its existence.

Black Ops 3 will be released November 6th, 2015. 

Activision and Treyarch bring you the next chapter in the futuristic Call of Duty saga.

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