Call of Duty Comes to Your Table Next Year with a Board Game — GeekTyrant

CALL OF DUTY Comes to Your Table Next Year with a Board Game

Everyone knows the Call of Duty franchise. It’s one of the biggest names in the realm of first-person shooter video games. Next year, fans will be able to move the game from their TV screen to their table top with Call of Duty: The Board Game. The game is being made by Arcane Wonders in partnership with Activision, Genuine Entertainment, and Evolution. We don’t know much, but the game will feature miniatures of iconic soldiers and weapons and have players battling each other in “intense, fast-paced action set in the iconic maps from the Call of Duty video games.”

Players will become elite Operators and enter battle with signature weapons and unique combat skills. With an exciting array of iconic maps, a variety of intense game modes, and team-based objectives, players will blow away enemies with the game's intuitive action system.

Bryan Pope of Arcane Wonders shared his excitement thusly:

We're thrilled to be partnering with Activision to bring the Call of Duty franchise to the tabletop. As life-long COD fans, we've worked hard to capture the scope, stakes, and sheer intensity of the video games in ways that COD fans and board gamers new and old will love. We're looking forward to bringing the unforgettable fun and competitive frenzy of COD to game night for years to come.

A Kickstarter for Call of Duty: The Board Game is set to launch this fall with the worldwide retail release happening next year. I’ll be honest, I’m skeptical as to how well this will actually work out. I feel like most people I know who play Call of Duty would rather just hop online with their friends and play the video game. Perhaps I’m wrong though. Are you excited for this upcoming board game?

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