Check Out Ariana Grande and Jimmy Fallon Sing with Nintendo Labo — GeekTyrant

Check Out Ariana Grande and Jimmy Fallon Sing with Nintendo Labo

Ariana Grande joins Jimmy and The Roots to perform "No Tears Left to Cry" with Nintendo Labo instruments. Each instrument is made from only cardboard and a Nintendo Switch and is being played live. Full instrument list below.

"No Tears Left to Cry" by singer Ariana Grande, is probably one of the most famous pop songs right now. In an unusual turn of events, Nintendo is now hopping on the hype by promoting their latest invention, the Nintendo Labo. 

Ariana Grande together with Jimmy Fallon performed the song in Fallon’s segment called “Classroom Instruments.” Grande, Fallon, and his in-house band The Roots jammed to the song with Grande using the cardboard instruments from the Nintendo Labo. 

The segment is a bit subtle with the promotion as the video never mentioned Nintendo or the Labo except for the video’s thumbnail image, but it is certain that this is a paid advertisement from Nintendo. Furthermore, this isn’t the first time that The Roots have incorporated video game elements on the show. Back in 2016, before the launch of Super Mario Run for the iOS, the band partnered with Mario’s creator, Shigeru Miyamoto, to play the iconic music from the Mario Bros. game. On the other hand, Grande dabbled in the video game industry when she appeared as a character in Final Fantasy Brave Exvius for the mobile. 

What did you think about their performance with Nintendo Labo instruments? Have you experienced playing the Nintendo Labo? Share your thoughts in the comments below. 

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