Clip from Steve Carrell and Channing Tatum's FOXCATCHER — GeekTyrant

Clip from Steve Carrell and Channing Tatum's FOXCATCHER

Steve Carrell completely disappears in his character for the upcoming Bennett Miller (Moneyball) directed film, Foxcatcher. The actor is virtually unrecognizable, and it's a little creepy. A clip has been released from the film that gives us our first look at Carell as scientist; philanthropist; Olympic wrestling coach, and murderer, John du Pont. In the clip he is talking to wrestling campion Mark Schultz, who is played by Channing Tatum.

The movie tells the gripping, true story of Olympic Wrestling Champion brothers Mark (Tatum) and Dave Schultz (Mark Ruffalo) and their relationship with du Pont that eventually led to murder in 1996. Judging from the clip, this is going to be an intense drama. 

When talking about Carrell in a previous interview, Miller had this to say about why he cast him:

“We just had our first test [screening], and not everybody recognized Steve. He is aged [for the film], and his face is changed, and his physicality changed. If I say I’m going to make a movie about a guy who’s a schizophrenic murderer, there are probably a dozen actors who would immediately appear on anybody’s casting list. And Steve would not be on any of those lists. And that’s a good thing. Because it’s unexpected… John DuPont was a character who nobody thought was capable of doing something as horrible as he did. And I did not want to cast somebody who would feel dangerous in that way.”

The movie will be released in theaters on November 19th, and because of the character that Carrell is playing, there's a good chance he could get an Oscar nomination.

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