CRASH BANDICOOT 4 Adds N. Verse Mode and More — GeekTyrant

CRASH BANDICOOT 4 Adds N. Verse Mode and More

Last week, fans got a new look at the upcoming Crash Bandicoot 4: It’s About Time during Sony’s State of Play event. Well, what we learned is that the game will have some new game modes as well as some fun skins for you to use. We were also told that all of the skins will be unlockable using in-game currency instead of real-world currency.

One of the really cool new features is the N. Verted mode of the game that lets you replay the games in a mirror mode that also features twists on each of the levels. Each dimension will have some cool new looks and features such as one being all neon, another looking like an old-timey movie, and a third having you spin to splash paint around. Oh, you’ll also be picking up Bumpa-berries instead of Wumpa-fruit.

Another change to the game is the characters you’ll be able to play as. Coco will be available as a playable character for every level that you could also play as Crash. We were also told that she will be more prominent in the story as well. In addition, you’ll be able to play as Neo Cortex and for the first time ever, players will be able to run around as Dingodile.

It’s About Time will be available on PS4 and Xbox One on October 2.

Get an in-depth look at the first new #CrashBandicoot game in over a decade, Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time! ⏰Learn about new gameplay mechanics, new pla...

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