Crazy and Hilarious Trailer for DEAD TO ME Season 3 and Christina Applegate Opens Up About Her Diagnosis — GeekTyrant

Crazy and Hilarious Trailer for DEAD TO ME Season 3 and Christina Applegate Opens Up About Her Diagnosis

Netflix has released a new trailer for season 3 of the dark dramedy Dead To Me, starring Christina Applegate and Linda Cardellini. The show is about a woman named Jen (Applegate), who goes to a grief group after the death of her husband where she meets a woman named Judy (Cardellini), who ends up becoming her beacon in the darkness and ultimately her best friend. As we learned over the first two seasons, Judy has some dark secrets, but as they unravel, their bond deepens, and they deal with the darkness in both their lives with humor and unwavering dedication to each other.

The new season picks right up where we left off with a buried secret, a car crash, and more trouble to come. The cast also includes James Marsden, Luke Roessler, Sam McCarthy, Brandon Scott, Diana Maria Riva, and Garret Dillahunt.

This third season was delayed when Christina Applegate received a diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis during the summer of 2021 while shooting the series. Production shut down for roughly five months as she began treatment for the autoimmune disease that affects the central nervous system. She recently sat down with the New York Times to explain what that process was like, saying:

“There was the sense of, ‘Well, let’s get her some medicine so she can get better. And there is no better. But it was good for me. I needed to process my loss of my life, my loss of that part of me. So I needed that time.”

She went on to talk about how Netflix offered her an out after her diagnosis.

“The powers that be were like, ‘Let’s just stop. We don’t need to finish it. Let’s put a few episodes together.’ I said, ‘No. We’re going to do it, but we’re going to do it on my terms.’”

And while Applegate said that finishing the series was the hardest thing that she has ever done, the crew and Cardellini, especially, had her back and supported her throughout. In addition to making sure to finish out the final season, it was also important to Applegate to do publicity for the show ahead of its premiere.

“This is the first time anyone’s going to see me the way I am. I put on 40 pounds; I can’t walk without a cane. I want people to know that I am very aware of all of that. If people hate it, if people love it, if all they can concentrate on is, ‘Ooh, look at the cripple,’ that’s not up to me. I’m sure that people are going to be, like, ‘I can’t get past it.’ Fine, don’t get past it, then. But hopefully people can get past it and just enjoy the ride and say goodbye to these two girls.”

I know I will be there. I’m excited to see how the journey ends for these two women. Netflix will premiere the third and final season of Dead to Me on November 17th. Check out the trailer below, and let us know if you’ll be watching.

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