Crazy Swamp Thing Concept Art for Doug Liman's Unproduced JUSTICE LEAGUE DARK Film — GeekTyrant

Crazy Swamp Thing Concept Art for Doug Liman's Unproduced JUSTICE LEAGUE DARK Film


Back in 2016, Warner Bros. brought in Doug Liman (Edge of Tomorrow) to direct DC’s Justice League Dark. He was the guy who replaced Guillermo deo Toro, but the movie never got made. However, there was some pre-visual work done on it before it was canned.

Artist Houston Sharp recently shared a piece of concept art that he created for the film featuring a crazy-ass looking Swamp Thing. This is a very different and unique version of the character, and the artist explains what Liman’s vision for him was, saying:

SWAMP THING. An old concept I did for Doug Liman's cancelled Justice League Dark movie. Doug had the idea of Swamp Thing being a spirit of the swamp, coming into form when a group of arsonists set the plants ablaze.

This particular design was a collaboration between myself and David Masson. Too bad the film got canned, it was a lot of fun to work on! More JLD concepts incoming, stay tuned!

This certainly turned out to be an interesting character design, but it’s not the Swamp Thing that I would have wanted to see in the film. The DC Universe series got Swamp Thing down perfectly! It’s a bummer that series didn’t go anywhere beyond the first season.

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