DJANGO UNCHAINED to Get Director's Cut as Soon as Tarantino Is Done Filming ONCE UPON A TIME IN HOLLYWOOD — GeekTyrant

DJANGO UNCHAINED to Get Director's Cut as Soon as Tarantino Is Done Filming ONCE UPON A TIME IN HOLLYWOOD

We recently reported that director Quentin Tarantino’s movie The Hateful Eight is getting a four-part extended release on Netflix, and today we have good news about another one of his films.

Django Unchained, which happens to be my favorite Tarantino flick, is his highest grossing film, as well as his most acclaimed, winning him the Oscar for Best Original Screenplay, and the Best Supporting Actor Oscar for one of the film’s stars, Christoph Waltz. The movie clocks in at a hefty 165 minutes already, but here’s what the director had to say about the director’s cut he has been working on for the movie:

“But for instance like take Django [Unchained], I’ve actually cut a director’s cut of Django. That’s about like three hours and 15 minutes, or three hours and 20 minutes, something like that. That’s one I wouldn’t do as a mini-series because it would just be better [as a movie]. I thought about that idea, but that would just work better as one movie. Just a longer one as far as I was concerned. So I’ve actually done that. We’re just kind of waiting some time after Once Upon A Time in Hollywood, and we’ll release that eventually.”

So that’s something to definitely look forward to! Rumor has it that someday we may also get a full length combination of Kill Bill Volumes 1 and 2 together entitled Kill Bill: The Whole Bloody Affair. Now that would be badass! For now, enjoy the other works in his collection, and check out Once Upon a Time in Hollywood when it hits theaters on July 26th.

Are you stoked for a director’s cut of Django Unchained? What’s your favorite Tarantino movie?

via: Slashfilm

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