DOCTOR STRANGE 2 Reportedly To Include Rintrah The Alien Minotaur — GeekTyrant

DOCTOR STRANGE 2 Reportedly To Include Rintrah The Alien Minotaur


A new report has surfaced regarding director Sam Raimi’s Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness that says Rintrah, the alien minotaur, will appear in the film. The report comes from The Direct, who also states that the character will be played by Adam Hugill (The Watch, 1917).

Just in case you’re not familiar with the character, in the comics, Rintrah is a magical being from the planet R'Vaal, and he is an alien sorcerer in training studying under Dr. Strange.

Rintrah possesses basic magical skills, such as illusion casting, magical blasts, astral body projection, levitation, projection of energy shields, and dimensional travel, as well as other various skills and spells that he has acquired from his time in his studies. Also due to his R'Vaalian biology, he possesses the abilities to shape shift, communicate telepathically, teleport vast distances, and blend into his surroundings in a chameleon-like manner. He also has enhanced physical attributes, such as strength, speed, reflexes, stamina, and endurance. He is also considered a genius among his people.

If this is true, I imagine the character won’t have a big role in the film, but it will be fun to see him introduced in the MCU.

Benedict Cumberbatch will reprise his role as Doctor Strange along with Benedict Wong, Chiwetel Ejiofor, and Rachel McAdams, who will reprise their roles as Wong, Karl Mordo, and Christine Palmer. Elizabeth Olsen‘s Scarlet Witch, aka Wanda Maximoff, will also play a big role in the story. As we’ve previously reported, the events of WandaVision will lead into the events of the Doctor Strange sequel. Xochitl Gomez has also joined the cast as America Chavez.

There’s a lot to be excited about for this movie and it’s going to have big multiverse ramifications on the MCU.

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