Enjoy 25 DUNGEONS & DRAGONS Adventures In Different Environments with DANGERS SERIES: VOLUME ONE — GeekTyrant

Enjoy 25 DUNGEONS & DRAGONS Adventures In Different Environments with DANGERS SERIES: VOLUME ONE

Jon Paget recently released Dangers Series: Volume One. This is a collection of 25 adventures designed for Dungeons & Dragons across five different environments: city, jungle, kingdoms, wilds, and woods. Each adventure is designed to use a scalable system in order to be used for adventuring parties of any level. They also include the stat blocks needed, background information, and more. This volume of Dangers Series also features several magic items and treasures as well as notes for DMs to make their lives easier.

This bundle contains 25 Adventures in 5 different environments

Suitable for parties of all levels, using to a scalable system increasing encounter and challenge difficulties as needed.

Each one-page module tells a unique story, carefully crafted, and crammed with all the information needed to run the adventure.

You can purchase your copy of Dangers Series: Volume One (affiliate link) from DMs Guild for $14.45

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