Entertaining Fan-Made Japanese Style Opening For SPIDER-MAN: HOMECOMING — GeekTyrant

Entertaining Fan-Made Japanese Style Opening For SPIDER-MAN: HOMECOMING

You've seriously got to watch this fan-made Japanese-style opening for Spider-Man: Homecoming from Mike Dent. He uses footage from Spider-Man: Homecoming and cuts it together in the style of Toei’s 1978 Spider-Man show, with the exact same music. It's a delightfully fun time and I love the cheesiness of the whole thing.

If you're familiar with the Japanese Spider-Man show, you'll be happy to know that Dent made sure to splice in a moment featuring Tom Holland’s Spidey summoning the giant mech robot, Leopardon. Here's what the creator had to say:

Once more, by popular demand, I regret nothing.
After doing the parody trailer last year, a lot of people asked me on Twitter to basically do the Japanese Spider-Man opening titles using footage from Homecoming. After very little soul-searching, I gave it a shot...only I was so busy, I ended up scrambling to work on this, starting literally the week before the film came out!
The big accomplishment on this was the visual effects. A bit crude in some parts, they were accomplished using a mash-up for various elements. For the Leopardon telemetry, simple AE motion tracking and off-set text. For the hangar doors, I got an actual shot of the location used for the Avengers Compound, a random Gunpla hangar photo I found online, and utitlized footage from an episode of HEAVY-ARMOR B-FIGHTER (AKA Big Bad Beetleborgs) for the door mechanisms. For the Leopardon launch, again, another hangar shot, and some very fly-by-night roto work with Leopardon launching. The source was taken from Episode 4 of the actual Japanese Spider-Man TV series. It's not winning any awards, but damn I'm proud.
Oh and for those wondering why I didn't attempt to cobble together new Leopardon footage? Aside from being crap at 3D graphics, it's only fitting that once again, Leopardon only appears by way of stock footage.

Now enjoy the video! I also included the opening to the original show as well so you can compare the two. 

Once more, by popular demand, I regret nothing. After doing the parody trailer last year, a lot of people asked me on Twitter to basically do the Japanese Spider-Man opening titles using footage from Homecoming. After very little soul-searching, I gave it a shot...only I was so busy, I ended up scrambling to work on this, starting literally the week before the film came out! The big accomplishment on this was the visual effects. A bit crude in some parts, they were accomplished using a mash-up for various elements. For the Leopardon telemetry, simple AE motion tracking and off-set text. For the hangar doors, I got an actual shot of the location used for the Avengers Compound, a random Gunpla hangar photo I found online, and utitlized footage from an episode of HEAVY-ARMOR B-FIGHTER (AKA Big Bad Beetleborgs) for the door mechanisms. For the Leopardon launch, again, another hangar shot, and some very fly-by-night roto work with Leopardon launching. The source was taken from Episode 4 of the actual Japanese Spider-Man TV series. It's not winning any awards, but damn I'm proud. Oh and for those wondering why I didn't attempt to cobble together new Leopardon footage? Aside from being crap at 3D graphics, it's only fitting that once again, Leopardon only appears by way of stock footage.

This is an opening intro from the 1978's Toei TV Series called Spider-Man (スパイダーマン, Supaidāman). Enjoy. :)

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