Ethan Hawke Talks About the Way Rob Reiner Revealed That He Lost the Role in STAND BY ME to His Friend River Phoenix — GeekTyrant

Ethan Hawke Talks About the Way Rob Reiner Revealed That He Lost the Role in STAND BY ME to His Friend River Phoenix


Stand By Me is a classic movie that is dear to many of us and holds rank as a favorite for so many fans. The cast and story are so good that it’s hard to imagine anyone else in the roles, but of course many of the young male actors in Hollywood at the time were hoping for a role in the film. One actor who almost made it was Ethan Hawke, who went on to be in Dead Poets Society, Reality Bites, Training Day, Gattica, Boyhood, and many other films. He was up for the role of Chris Chambers, which ultimately went to Hawke’s friend and Explorers co-star, River Phoenix.

In a recent interview with The Guardian, Hawke talked about Stand By Me director Rob Reiner telling him he didn’t get the role, which he ended up breaking to him in a pretty funny way. He said:

“You’re really good, but I just gave the part to another kid with a bird name.”

Just another kid with a bird name. Of course Phoenix was on the path to becoming a mega-star in Hollywood, and he and Hawke remained friends until Phoenix’s death at the age of 23. Hawke went on to talk about their friendship, and why Phoenix remained a cautionary tale for him in his acting life.

"Well, my first screen partner overdosed on Sunset Boulevard, you know? He was the brightest light and this industry chewed him up, and that was a big lesson to me. If I had to put a single reason on why I never moved to LA, it would be I think it’s too dangerous for an actor like me to be in that kind of climate.”

The death of Phoenix was so sad, and so tough for the people closest to him. But it seems like Hawke was able to move forward and have a great life and career after losing that role and his friend.

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