Exciting New Trailer For SyFy's Superman-Inspired Series KRYPTON — GeekTyrant

Exciting New Trailer For SyFy's Superman-Inspired Series KRYPTON

If you've been excited about this Superman-inspired series Krypton, I've got a new trailer here for you check out! This thing is packed with new footage and that includes our first look at Adam Strange (Shaun Sipos) as he meets Seg-El and tells him about his grandson. Strange is not seen in costume. He's described as "a world-weary human, who finds himself stranded on Krypton as the unlikely mentor to Seg-El, Superman’s grandfather."

This is the best trailer that I've seen for the Krypton series that I've seen so far and it looks intriguing. I'm curious to see how the story for this show plays out and I hope that it's good!

Set two generations before the destruction of Superman’s home planet, KRYPTON follows Seg-El (Cameron Cuffe), the legendary Man of Steel’s grandfather — whose House of El was ostracized and shamed. With Krypton’s leadership in disarray, Seg-El encounters Earthly time-traveler Adam Strange (Sipos) who warns he’s under the clock to save his beloved world from chaos. Fighting to redeem his family’s honor and protect the ones he loves, Seg is also faced with a life and death conflict – save his home planet or let it be destroyed in order to restore the fate of his future grandson.

The series also stars Georgina Campbell (King Arthur: Legend of the Sword) as Lyta Zod, who is part of Krypton’s military caste and daughter of General Alura Zod. There's this whole other plotline where Seg-El and Lyta Zod are in the midst of a secret, forbidden relationship.

The series is set to be released sometime in 2018.

The story of Superman's grandfather as he fights for justice on his home planet. ★Subscribe HERE and NOW ►https://goo.gl/jp9aW8 Cast: Cameron Cuffe, Georgina Campbell, Ian McElhinney ★Listen to our weekly podcast!

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