EXCLUSIVE: Image Announces INDIGO CHILDREN Comic from Curt Pires with Awesome Variant Cover from Jenny Frissen and a Movie Adaptation is in the Works
Today, Image has announced a new comic book from Curt Pires (Olympia) called Indigo Children. For the book, Pires is teaming up with artist Alex Diotto (Olympia) and colorist Dee Cuniffee for this new series. Rockwell White will also be working with Pires by co-writing some issues and the comic is being described as “Stranger Things leaning into heav(ier) Spielbergian sci-fi.” That sounds pretty dope! The story of Indigo Children will explore the real-world phenomenon where people believe they have Martian heritage. I’ve read a little bit from the first issue and it definitely sounds interesting.
What’s more, Indigo Children is already being developed into a film with Jeff Ludwig (Alan Wake) at the helm. This marks yet another one of Pires’ projects being adapted for a screen as his series Youth is in development at Amazon Prime and his series Wyrd is in development at FX with Matthew Rhys (Gremlins: Secrets of the Mogwai) set to star.
Here at GeekTyrant, we have a bit more than just the announcement of the book and its film development. Image has provided us with an exclusive look at a variant cover for Indigo Children #1 featuring art by Jenny Frissen. Frissen’s cover is just below with the standard cover by Diotto below it. You can read Indigo Children #1 on March 29.
Variant Cover by Jenny Frissen
Main Cover by Alex Diotto