First Footage of JUSTICE LEAGUE DARK Animated Movie Featured in Sneak Peek Video — GeekTyrant

First Footage of JUSTICE LEAGUE DARK Animated Movie Featured in Sneak Peek Video

Warner Bros. Home Entertainment has released a sneak peek video for DC Entertainment’s upcoming animated film project Justice League Dark. Guillermo del Toro was working on a live-action feature film version of this for years, but it looks like the studio opted to do something different with it, and it looks like it could be a lot of fun, but not as awesome as what Del Toro would have done with it.

The video features interviews with the talented crew that are currently working on the film, and it offers us our first look at some of the footage that has already been completed and some concept art. The film includes characters like John Constantine, Swamp Thing, Deadman, Zatanna, Black Orchid, and more. Creative Director Mike Carlin talks about the film in the video saying: 

“Justice League Dark is what it sounds like. It’s the dark side of justice. A group of supernatural heroes who band together loosely to take on occult threats, supernatural threats, threats that the real Justice League may be powerless against.” 

The classic Justice League characters like Batman and Green Lantern will also be making an appearance in the film. Carlin goes on to say:

“The mainstream heroes are not the right guys for the job. These are not guys who go to meetings and sit around a table. They kind of appear and disappear when needed.”

Producer James Tucker also talks about the supernatural team and how they are viewed by others when they show up to help:

“It’s a Justice League movie, but it’s not....They don’t look like your typical superheroes. They’re outcasts. No one is happy when they show up. If anything, with Justice League Dark, everyones' frightened when they show up. They misunderstand them, so having monstrous people do heroic things is always kind of cool.”

I’ve always liked these characters, and it’s great to see them coming together in a new animated film. Justice League Dark is being directed by Jay Oliva, and it will hit Blu-Ray, DVD, and VOD later this fall.

Uploaded by Mr Marbles on 2016-07-26.

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