Full Trailer Released For The Anime Film WEATHERING WITH YOU From the Director of YOUR NAME — GeekTyrant

Full Trailer Released For The Anime Film WEATHERING WITH YOU From the Director of YOUR NAME

If you’re a fan of beautifully animated anime films, you’re gonna love this full trailer that has been released for director Makoto Shinkai’s new film Weathering With You. This is the same filmmaker who gave us the wonderful anime hit Your Name.

I have no idea what is being said in this trailer because it’s in Japanese, but I love what I’m seeing in the visuals. Through those visuals, you kind of get a good sense of what is going on in the story. I loved Your Name, and I’m looking forward to seeing how this new film turns out.

Weathering With You follows a high school student named Hodaka “who leaves his island home and moves to Tokyo. He's immediately broke from the move and lives his life in isolation, but soon finds a job writing for a strange occult magazine. The weather's been terrible, with rain every day since he had got this new job, until he meets a young woman named Hina. Hodaka finds that although Hina lives with her brother through outside circumstances, the two are happy. Also strangely enough, Hina has the power to control the weather.”

Your Name character designer Masayoshi Tanaka also returned to work on this new film and was also joined by Atsushi Tamura, who will serve as animation director, and Hiroshi Takiguchi, who will serve as art director. 

Weathering With You is set to open in Japan on July 19th, 2019. There’s no exact date set yet for the U.S. release, but it’ll most likely happen near the end of the year or early 2020.

7月19日公開 新海誠監督最新作! 【原作・脚本・監督】新海誠 【音楽】RADWIMPS 【声の出演】醍醐虎汰朗 森七菜/本田翼/吉柳咲良 平泉成 梶裕貴/倍賞千恵子/小栗旬 キャラクターデザイン:田中将賀  作画監督:田村篤  美術監督:滝口比呂志 製作:「天気の子」製作委員会  制作プロデュース:STORY inc.  制作:コミックス・ウェーブ・フィルム  配給:東宝 ...

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