Gollum Actor Andy Serkis Shares His Thoughts on THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE RINGS OF POWER — GeekTyrant

Gollum Actor Andy Serkis Shares His Thoughts on THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE RINGS OF POWER

Amazon’s The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power sure was an incredible and visually stunning series. I know a lot of people had problems with it, and while it wasn’t perfect, it was quite an epic series! I was very happy with how it turned out and I’m looking forward to watching this story continue in Season 2!

Andy Serkis, who played Gollum in Peter Jackson’s The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit trilogies, recently shared his own thoughts on the show. For the most part, the cast of the original films have shown support for the series, but this is the first time that Serkis has opened up about it.

While speaking with Jake's Takes, Serkis was asked about the show and this is what he said:

"I think it's really beautifully crafted, I think there's some really great performances in there. I recently did a reading of Lord of the Rings for Audible and in the preface, in the foreword, it covers The Rings of Power, the age they tell within The Rings of Power, so I was familiar with that world and I just think it's a really beautiful rendition. And, again, having the time to be with those characters is something very, very exciting and I know the Lord of the Rings fans are loving it."

He went on to talk about how much he enjoyed the series and how epic it was saying:

"I really did enjoy -- again, the scale is incredible. In terms of the cinematography, performances aside, it feels so epic and in the same way that this does, the same way that [Star Wars: Andor] feels like ... You find it hard to separate it from the movies, they feel like movies, every single episode. It does have mythic and scale-wise epic nature to it in Rings of Power, in the same way that Andor does, it feels like a huge movie."

It’s good to see that he enjoyed the show. It must be nice for the actors who starred in the original films to just be able to sit back, relax, watch and enjoy an adaptation of J.R.R. Tolkien’s work without all the work involved with bringing it to life. Jackson previously shared:

"When we did The Lord of the Rings movies I always felt I was the unlucky person who never got to see as a coming-out-of-the-blue film. By the time there were screening I was immersed in it for five or six years. It was such a loss for me not to be able to see them like everyone else. I actually did seriously consider going to some hypnotherapy guy to hypnotize me to make me forget about the films and the work I had done over the last six or seven years so I could sit and enjoy them. I didn't follow through with it, but I did talk to [British mentalist] Derren Brown about that and he thought he could do it."  

Now he can do that! Anyway, what are your thoughts on The Rings of Power now that it’s over? Did you love it? Hate it? Let us know!

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